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Published papers

Raven, N. 2012. ‘Addressing male higher education progression: a profile of four successful projects.’ Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning 14 (2): 59-74.

Raven, N., K. Storry., and D. Streeton. 2012. ‘Learning from local practice: lessons from managing an Aimhigher mentoring scheme.’ Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning.   14 (1): 91-98.

Raven, N., and S. Husbands. 2012. ‘Accessing learning opportunities: the development and impact of an innovative web-based progression tool.’ Research in Post-Compulsory Education. 17 (1): 53-66.  

Raven, N. 2014.  ‘Accessing an approach to the capturing and sharing of work-based learning with a focus on improving practice & provision.’ Research in Post-Compulsory Education. 19 (2): 119-131.  

Raven, N. 2014. ‘Learning from experience: reflective practices amongst higher education professionals.’ Reflective Practice: International and Multidisciplinary Perspectives. 15 (6): 766-779.  

Raven, N. 2015. 'A framework for outreach evaluation plans.' Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 20 (2), 245-262.

Raven, N. 2015. ‘Evaluating the long-term impact of widening participation interventions: the potential of the life story interview.' International Studies in Widening Participation, 2 (1), 43-55. http://nova.newcastle.edu.au/ceehe/index.php/iswp/issue/view/3

Raven. N. 2015. ‘Recognising the indirect: some reflections on the evaluation of widening access interventions.’ Rapport. The International Journal for Recording Achievement, Planning and Portfolios. Centre for Recording Achievement. Vol. 1, Issue 2. p. 16-21.

Raven. N. 2015. ‘The impact of mentoring reconsidered: an exploration of the benefits for student mentors.’ Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 20 (3), 280-295.

Raven. N. 2016. ‘A consideration of the case for using life story interviews in the evaluation of widening access interventions.’ Research in Post-Compulsory Education. 21 (3), 279-290.

Raven. N. 2016. 'Making evidence work: a framework for monitoring, tracking and evaluating widening participation activity across the student lifecycle.' Research in Post-Compulsory Education. 21 (4), 360-375.   

Raven. N.  2018 ‘Understanding areas of educational disadvantage: an examination of outreach target wards in the county of Essex’, Research in Post-Compulsory Education, 23 (3): 391-413.

Raven. N. 2018 ‘The development of an evaluation framework’, Perspectives: Policy and Practice in Higher Education, 22 (4): 134-140.

Raven. N. 2018 ‘Higher education progression amongst economically disadvantaged white males: overcoming the challenges’, Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 20 (4):108-128.  

Raven. N. 2019. 'Patterns of progression: explaining local variations in HE participation rates', Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, Volume 21, Number 3, November 2019, 99-131.

Raven. N. 2020. 'Covid-19 and outreach: the challenge and the response', Widening participation and lifelong learning, 22 (2), 255-263.

Raven. N. 2020. ‘More important than ever: the school perspective on outreach in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic’, Society for Research into Higher Education, News Blog (26 August), https://srheblog.com/2020/08/26/more-important-than-ever-the-school-perspective-on-outreach-in-the-wake-of-the-covid-19-pandemic/

Raven. N. 2020. 'Outreach should be tailored to the new normal for schools and colleges', Higher Education Policy Institute. Blog (7 September), https://www.hepi.ac.uk/2020/09/07/outreach-must-tailor-itself-to-the-new-normal-in-schools-and-colleges/

Edited books

Hill, M., A. Hudson, S. Mckendry, N. Raven, D. Saunders, J. Storan and T. Ward (eds).  2015. Collaborate to Widening Participation: To, Through and Beyond Higher Education. London: Forum for Access and Continuing Education.

Hill, M., A. Hudson, S. Mckendry, N. Raven, D. Saunders, J. Storan and T. Ward (eds).  2016.

Closing the Gap: Bridges for Access and Lifelong Learning. London: Forum for Access and Continuing Education.

Broadhead. S, M. Hill, A. Hudson, C. McGlynn, S. McKendry, N. Raven, D. Sims, and T. Ward (eds). 2017. Widening Participation in the Context of Economic and Social Change. Forum for Access and Continuing Education: London.

Broadhead. S, J. Butcher, M. Hill, A. Hudson, S. McKendry, N. Raven, D. Sims, and T. Ward (eds). 2018. Concepts of Value and Worth: National and International Perspectives on Widening Access and Participation, London: Forum for Access and Continuing Education.

Broadhead. S, J. Butcher, M. Hill, S. McKendry, N. Raven, R. Renton, B. Sanderson, T. Ward and S. W. Williams (eds). 2019. Transformative Higher Education: Access, Inclusion and Lifelong Learning, London: Forum for Access and Continuing Education.

Chapters in collections of papers

Raven, N. 2011. ‘Making experience count: the reflective diary and continuing professional development.’  In P. Jones, J. Storan, A. Hudson and J. Braham (eds.) Which Way Now to Widen Participation: Lifelong Learning, Economy and Society. London, UK: Forum for Access and Continuing Education:  51-60.  

Raven, N. 2011. ‘Progression routes into higher education for advanced apprentices: a case study from the East Midlands.’  In P. Jones, J. Storan, A. Hudson and J. Braham (eds.) Which Way Now to Widen Participation: Lifelong Learning, Economy and Society. London, UK: Forum for Access and Continuing Education: 87-100.

Husbands, S. and N. Raven. 2012. ‘The impact and legacy of a regional science, technology and maths scheme: an evaluation of the East Midlands STEM awards.’  In P. Jones, J Storan, A. Hudson and J. Braham (eds.) Lifelong Learning and Community Development. London, UK:Forum for Access and Continuing Education: 57-68.  

Raven, N. 2013.  ‘Evaluating outreach interventions: exploring a new perspective.’ In Widening Access to Higher Education in Divided Communities, edited by M. Hill, A. Hudson,P. Jones, R. Renton, D. Saunders and J. Storan, 169-183.  London: Forum for Access and Continuing Education.

Raven, N. 2014. ‘Student helpers: the overlooked beneficiaries of outreach interventions.’  In Learner Journeys – Origins, Experiences and Destinations, edited by M. Hill, A. Hudson, D. Saunders and J. Storan, 163-178. London: Forum for Access and Continuing Education.  

Raven, N. 2015. ‘Evaluating widening participation interventions: the use of participant observation.’ In Collaborate to Widening Participation: To, Through and Beyond Higher Education, edited by M. Hill, A. Hudson, S. Mckendry, N. Raven, D. Saunders, J. Storan and T. Ward.  London, UK: Forum for Access and Continuing Education: 167-185.

Church, E., and N. Raven. 2015. ‘A collaborative approach to the monitoring and evaluation of outreach work: a case study from the East Midlands.’ In Collaborate to Widening Participation: To, Through and Beyond Higher Education, edited by M. Hill, A. Hudson, S. Mckendry, N. Raven, D. Saunders, J. Storan and T. Ward.  London, UK: Forum for Access and Continuing Education: 121-134.

E. Church and N. Raven. 2016. ‘Tracking the learner journey: an approach to the interrogation of large datasets.’ In M. Hill, A. Hudson, S. Mckendry, N. Raven, D. Saunders, J. Storan and T. Ward (eds). Closing the Gap: Bridges for Access and Lifelong Learning. London: Forum for Access and Continuing Education: 163-177.

Raven. N. 2016. ‘The school perspective on widening access: a consideration of the barriers, enablers and drivers that inform institutional engagement.’  In M. Hill, A. Hudson, S. Mckendry, N. Raven, D. Saunders, J. Storan and T. Ward (eds). Closing the Gap: Bridges for Access and Lifelong Learning. London: Forum for Access and Continuing Education: 263-276.  

Raven. N. 2017. 'Challenges and opportunities for widening participation: the practitioners' perspective'. In S. Broadhead, M. Hill, A. Hudson, C. McGlynn, S. McKendry, N. Raven, D. Sims, and T. Ward (eds). 2017. Widening Participation in the Context of Economic and Social Change.. London: Forum for Access and Continuing Education: 269-293.

• An exploration of the challenges to widening participation the sector currently faces and is likely to encounter over the next few years, and a consideration of how these challenges could be met.

Raven. N. 2018. 'Drop out amongst AS and A-level learners: interpretations and interventions', in G. Atherton, S. Kendall, M. Naughton, M. Webster (eds) Widening Access throughout the Student Lifecycle, Newcastle Upon Tyne. Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 2-20.

• An examination of the reasons for drop out and consideration of strategies for enhancing retention.

Raven. N. 2018, ‘The progression of advanced apprentices: learning from the student experience’, in S. Broadhead, J. Butcher, M. Hill, A. Hudson, S. McKendry, N. Raven, D. Sims, and T. Ward (eds). Concepts of Value and Worth: National and International Perspectives on Widening Access and Participation, London: Forum for Access and Continuing Education, 33-58.

Raven. N. 2018, ‘The higher education progression of BTEC learners: trends, challenges and tactics’, in S. Broadhead, J. Butcher, M. Hill, A. Hudson, S. McKendry, N. Raven, D. Sims, and T. Ward (eds). Concepts of Value and Worth: National and International Perspectives on Widening Access and Participation, London: Forum for Access and Continuing Education, 137-157.  

Raven. N. 2019. ‘I don’t think it’s quite me’: the HE progression challenge for young men from white working class backgrounds, in K. Krčmář (ed), The Inclusivity Gap, (Aberdeen: Inspired by Learning), 52- 67.  

Baldwin. J, N. Raven,  and R. Webber-Jones. 2019. 'Whose job is it anyway? Developing the practice of those who support the higher education progression of further education students', in S. Broadhead, J. Butcher, M. Hill, S. McKendry, N. Raven, R. Renton, B. Sanderson, T. Ward and S. W. Williams (eds). Transformative Higher Education: Access, Inclusion and Lifelong Learning, London: Forum for Access and Continuing Education,111-128.

Published reports

Raven, N, 2006. ‘The Visual and Performing Arts Summer School: Bishop Grosseteste College, Lincoln.’ Making a difference: the impact of Aimhigher.  Summer Schools.  Action on Access: 8-9.

Raven, N. 2006. ‘Science Summer School, 2004: Loughborough University.’ Making a difference: the impact of Aimhigher.  Summer Schools.  Action on Access: 25-26.  

Raven, N. 2008. ‘Understanding and overcoming barriers to HE progression faced by working class boys: provisional focus group findings from the East Midlands.’ e-bulletin, Action on Access, 51: 2-3.

Raven, N. 2008. ‘Raising the HE aspirations of working-class boys: lessons from the innovative projects of the East Midlands.’ e-bulletin, Action on Access, 51: 3-4.   

Raven, N. 2011. ‘Identifying and improving management competencies.’ Association of University Administrators, Newslink  68: 10.  

Raven, N. 2011. ‘Management and team coaching in HE’, Association of University Administrators, Newslink 70: 24.  

Raven. N. 2011. ‘The role of reflective diaries in leadership development.’ Engage, Summer. UK, London; Leadership Foundation for Higher Education: 12.

Raven, N. 2011. ‘Strategies for addressing barriers to HE progression.’  In Male Access and Success in Higher Education: A Discussion Paper, York: Higher Education Academy, 15-19. https://www.heacademy.ac.uk/sites/default/files/MaleAccess.pdf

Raven, N. 2011. ‘Utilising the reflective diary as a tool for continuing professional development: are new technologies the answer?’  In Proceedings of the 9th ePortfolio and Identity Conference. London: EPiC, 126-129.  

Raven. N. 2014. ‘Gender and social grade’.  In Young people’s perceptions about post-18 education and training options – commentaries.  University and Colleges Union: London. http://www.ucu.org.uk/media/pdf/f/m/ucu_youngpeoplesperceptionsaboutpost18_commentaries_dec14.pdf

Raven, N. 2015. ‘Initial reflections on the case for evaluating widening access interventions on their cost effectiveness.’  On Reflection.  The Inclusive Journal for Practitioners, Centre for Recording Achievement, 29 (Summer): 5-7.

Raven, N. 2015. ‘Is there a case for cost effectiveness in widening access? A thought piece.’ e-Bulletin, Forum for Access and Continuing Education, 91 (June).

Raven. N. 2015. ‘A new framework for supporting the preparation of outreach evaluation plans.’ Forum For Access and Continuing Education, e-bulletin. Issue 94 (September)

Raven. N. 2015. ‘Methods and motivations: insights into the reflective practices of higher education professionals.’ Newslink. 82: 10-11.

Raven. N. 2015. ‘The challenge of evaluating behavioural change amongst outreach participants: some initial thoughts’, Forum for Access and Continuing Education, e-Bulletin, issue 96 (November).

Raven. N. 2016. ‘Taking a longer view: the reflective practices of higher education leaders.’ Leadership Foundation Blog (26 January). http://lfheblog.com/2016/01/26/taking-a-longer-view-the-reflective-practices-of-higher-education-leaders/

Raven. N. 2016. ‘An outreach evaluation challenge: recognising and recording behavioural change.’ On Reflection.  The Inclusive Journal for Practitioners, Centre for Recording Achievement.  Issue 30, p. 12-14.

Raven. N. 2017. ‘Evaluation: an introductory guide’, Newslink, Association of University Administrators, Issue 88, p.  4-5. https://aua.ac.uk/wp-content/uploads/sites/37/2018/01/aua-newslink-88.pdf

Raven. N. 2019. 'Coming here has given me my dreams': the role of further education colleges in widening access' Association of University Administrators blog, https://aua.ac.uk/coming-here-has-given-me-my-dreams-aua-blog/ (July, 2019).

Raven. N. 2019. 'They would never have gone to university': the unique role that further education colleges play in widening access', FACE e-bulletin, 139 (August, 2019)

Raven. N. 2020. 'Understanding the educational trajectories of young people from target wards', FACE e-bulletin, 149 (June, 2020), https://www.face.ac.uk/blog-post/understanding-the-educational-trajectories-of-young-people-from-target-wards/

Raven. N. 2020. 'Insights into geographical inequalities in higher education participation', Association of University Administrators blog, https://aua.ac.uk/insights-into-geographical-inequalities-in-higher-education-participation/ (March, 2020).

News reports featuring work

Young. S. 2007. ‘Blazing a trail. Getting more boys into university’, The Times Education Supplement Magazine, 23 November, 14-19.
